
Hummingly is the creation of Elizabeth McNaughton and Jolie Wills, who have worked in disaster recovery around the world for over fifteen years and led the recovery team during the Christchurch Earthquakes. Their tools - like Doing Well cards, a set that allows you to create your own wellbeing and resilience plan, and Cards for Calamity, a deck that supports navigating life after a disaster - allow them to scale their impact and empower people to navigate through life’s challenges, their way. Their recently release Pandemic Pack provides support during this challenging time.

Together we’ve created a mix of content together - from product photos of their Little Box of Calm, a package created during COVID to send care during a time of uncertainty, to lifestyle photographs of their Pandemic Pack, and other card packs, in-use.

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“It’s a pleasure to have Sarah’s talent and can-do approach on tap to support our work and mission. We are fortunate.”
- Hummingly


Seasick Sunscreen

